International, cross-sector collaboration

GINETEX works with a number of industry associations, standards organisations and institutes around the world with the aim of harmonising textile labels.

The core activities of GINETEX

GINETEX (Groupement International d'Etiquetage pour l'Entretien des Textiles) is an international association with headquarters in Paris. 22 national organisations are part of the association at present.

The association provides producers as well as specialist and sales personnel with an international, trademark-protected system for labelling textiles. The system informs consumers and producers about the appropriate way to care for textiles as well as the raw textile materials used.

GINETEX is primarily concerned with making companies within the textile and clothing industry as well as the entire textile chain aware of the importance of a globally harmonised, correct and comprehensible material and care labelling system as well as implementing this system.

Clear labelling achieves qualitative added value from which customers, the trade sector and manufacturers benefit.

Based on a trademark agreement with the International Organization for Standardization, care labelling is standardised around the world in the ISO 3758:2012 standard.

Collaborative partnerships with a number of sectors

Harmonising textile care requires close coordination between a variety of industrial sectors – not just the textile industry.

Lots of players are involved in the life cycle of textiles:


  • Raw material suppliers
  • Yarn manufacturers
  • Fabric manufacturers
  • End product manufacturers
  • Textile and specialist retailers
  • Washing machine and electric iron manufacturers
  • Detergent manufacturers
  • The professional textile cleaning industry
  • ISO-accredited testing institutes
  • The research and development sector
  • Users in the industry and public health sector
  • Consumer organisations
  • Education and further training establishments for specialist personnel
  • Standards bodies and organisations
  • Legislative authorities at a national and international level

GINETEX maintains close relationships with these entities. It is involved in technological development and innovation, the consequences of this for textile care and the standardisation of textile care.

GINETEX national organisations, members and license holders therefore gain influence and have access to more information in an economically dynamic environment with a strong international orientation.

GINETEXT national organisations

Through the national organisations, important information flows directly into the industry and from there, back into development and standardisation.

In addition to providing care labels, preparing and distributing information is the second most important service that GINETEX offers its customers.

However, as mentioned, information flows in both directions. The latest developments from consumers, the trade sector and industry are adopted and centrally processed, thereby ensuring that there is an exchange between all of the entities involved.