Hand in hand with industry and consumers
GINETEX Switzerland guarantees the implementation of standardised textile care labelling, helps industry and trade to implement the system and anticipates the needs and developments of tomorrow.

As a national organisation, GINETEX Switzerland is the first port of call for anything related to textile labelling, licensing for the labelling system and its further development in line with the requirements of the textile industry.
GINETEX informs producers, the trade sector, sales personnel as well as users and consumers about correctly labelling textiles in a modern way. The organisation is the first port of call, answering questions posed by its license holders as well as queries from interested companies and consumers regarding textile labelling.
The GINETEX care label symbols are an ISO standard since 2005. The organisation ensures the uniform representation of the care symbols by means of protective trademark measures. It also helps the textile industry to use the symbols in the correct way.
The organisation is responsible for granting licenses, which are required in order to use the trademark-protected care labels in Switzerland.
The introduction of new fibres and finishings, new detergents, new solvents for professional textile cleaning and changes to washing programs can result in textile labels having to be modified or improved.
GINETEX Switzerland therefore maintains a close collaborative relationship with all of the circles and divisions concerned with textile labelling at an international level. The association also provides license holders and contractual partners with information regarding relevant changes.
National organisation GINETEX Switzerland continuously maintains and expands its contacts within the framework of collaborating with the national organisations within GINETEX as well as European and international standards organisations CEN and ISO.